Exalting Jesus Christ through prayer and worship for the glory of God.

May FR 2025 by LOWPC
Bless Every Home is an amazing tool which will help you pray daily for your neighbors. You can sign up at or download the Bless app for your phone (logo above right). Simply fill in your details (you can either add Light of the World Prayer Center as your contact, and see how we are growing together in prayer throughout Whatcom County, OR you can add the church you attend). Choose the days you prefer and spend a minute praying for your neighbors. Bless Every Home will record when you’ve prayed and encourage you to move into a conversation with your neighbor, then a gospel conversation and then the ultimate goal is to be discipling your neighbor in Christ. We would love to hear any testimony of how God is using this tool to reach your neighbors!

Update on Bless Every Home. LOWPC is now praying for 536 neighbors, with almost 4,000 prayers shared since February. If you would like to be involved in praying for your neighbors you can register at

See below the latest stats for Bless Every Home 9/27/2024

God has birthed another House of Prayer in Whatcom County! The Clearbrook House of Prayer is in the “House of the Living God” at 9691 Van Burien Rd. Lynden WA. This was the Clearbrook Lutheran Church and by God’s amazing plan it was given to the Hispanic network of churches pastored by Ivan Montenegro and team. Tim Scott will direct the House of Prayer in conjunction with LOWPC. As the schedule grows we will update in this newsletter or on the LOWPC website. You can also call Tim at 360-483-8691. Currently there is prayer on Thursday mornings from 7-10 and Saturday morning from 10-12. More times will be added soon.

From the beginning of this story it has been clear God has planned and orchestrated this ministry. Pastor Ivan and team were in prayer one Saturday morning asking God to speak to us. Immediately we got a phone call and a voice said, “I have a church I want to give to you!” Since then, we have see God work in amazing ways. Mission teams have come to work, pray and fix up the place. Local businesses have painted the inside and recarpeted the building. In addition to the times above we will have a Wednesday evening church/prayer service.

Prayer as a priority

There are different ways you can connect with others in prayer through LOWPC. The prayer room has different sets (or themes for prayer) throughout the week. These include such areas as Family, the Persecuted church, Next Generation, amongst others. Click on the schedule link below for days and times. There are also prayer walking opportunities at schools and other sites. Several churches sign up for the Day2Pray initiative and perhaps you could become the coordinator for your church if it is not yet involved!
For more information click Schedule below.