What we do at LOWPC
These groups connect pastors to supportive, worshipful prayer times where they seek God together and provide encouragement to each one engaged in full-time ministry. The format begins with an upward focus on worshipping God. Then inward focus as we bring our concerns and what is on our heart before God (Scripture). Thirdly, we turn outwards, bringing the needs of the community, nation, and world before God. Pastors find great comfort in having a safe place to be vulnerable and connect with other pastors who understand the joys and challenges of ministry.
These half or full-day sessions allow pastors to be refreshed through the Word, worship and prayer. It gives them time to focus on God together in community and provides the opportunity to connect in unity with others from different local churches.
Teaching on prayer and sharing about the exciting way God is working in Whatcom county. It can be challenging for pastors to introduce a culture of prayer to churches and yet it can be the most effective and rewarding part of ministry, especially when they see how powerful it is to take time to worship God and seek his face as a congregation. We teach, train and equip churches to initiate and maintain a culture of prayer and worship as they grow in intercession. Teaching at local church retreats provides opportunities to connect with local congregations and minister in ways that refresh both pastoral staff and congregants. It provides opportunities for the body of Christ to grow in the area of intercession and to hear more of what God is doing across the county and beyond. “Prayer does not equip us for some greater works—prayer is the greater work” (Oswald Chambers, 1924).
We connect with ministry leaders within the Nooksack and Lummi tribes weekly. We receive their prayer requests and these are taken to the First Nation prayer set at the Prayer center for a time of intercession on their behalf. We actively participate in supporting our native brothers and sisters in the Nooksack and Lummi nations in both prayer and supportive fellowship opportunities. We are expectant for God to work in a mighty way through Christian believers within the tribes to see transformation in their communities.
Prayer walks weekly around local schools have increased and there is a real need to intercede for the next generation. Many young people have suffered greatly from mental and emotional stress over the past few years. Spiritually, many are seeking for meaning and desperately need to know the love of Christ for themselves. We prayer-walk around every school in Whatcom County while a team worships and intercedes for that team and the school from the house of prayer. We partner with the Gideons in their distribution of New Testaments. Whatever school they distribute on a Wednesday, we pray around that particular school on a Tuesday afternoon.
We focus on 9 spheres of influence within society. Representatives in each sphere ensure strategic prayer requests are passed on to Tim Scott, our Day2Pray Coordinator at the Prayer Center. Tim then sends the compilation of requests to participating local churches for the Day2Pray initiative. Each participating church takes one day a month to pray in hourly shifts for a 24hr period. The ‘prayer baton’ is then picked up by the next participating church for the following 24hrs and so on. Our goal is to maintain a continual canopy of prayer over Whatcom county. As the body of Christ links arms in prayer across the county, churches pray in their own location and in their own tradition. We value the rich expression of faith within the body of Christ and stand united before the throne of God. If you would like to know more about becoming involved in the Day2Pray, contact Tim Scott: 360-483-8691.
Opportunities within local Christian schools to lead chapel and impact the next generation for Christ. Building local relationships along with providing resources and prayer support for administration, teachers, and students.
Teams of intercessors visit the locations of different Christian ministries within Whatcom County. They pray for the staff individually who are serving in these ministries. They pray for those the ministry serves and also for the impact of the ministry itself to transform lives and introduce people to the wonderful love of Jesus Christ. Many people who are serving in challenging areas of ministry need encouragement themselves and to be strengthened through prayer. If you are involved in a Christian ministry and would value prayer, please fill out the contact form above and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
LOWPC is connected in a deep way with what God is doing around the world. We network with strategic international prayer initiatives and prayer ministries. We join with them in targeted intercessory prayer. We know that God is at work in different countries in powerful ways and we see this as an intrinsic part of the prayer ministry at LOWPC. As the body of Christ joins together in prayer across the globe we fully anticipate God will do more than we can even think or imagine amongst those who have still not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lamb will have the nations as his inheritance.
LOWPC also hosts international intercessors. This year a Korean Intercessory Team will be visiting this May to pray strategically in Bellingham, Olympia and Seattle. We will take them to many locations around our city and state, to pray for God to bring revival.